Mithilfe von semantischen Netzwerken und Natural Language Processing haben wir uns den 24.666 während der 19. Legislaturperiode im Bundestag gehaltenen Reden genähert.
Building on Pierre Bourdieus conception of the bodily hexis, I investigated the bodily constitution of street workers in Berlin-Mitte, who were also affected by house- or homelessness.
Die Gesellschaft konnotiert den Suizid ihrer Mitglieder negativ. Weshalb ist das so? Eine philosophische Betrachtung des Suizids aus gesellschaftlicher und individueller Perspektive.
From the perspective of Critical Heritage Studies, this research explores social and material changes surrounding a transforming religious site in Hamburg, Germany.
Exploring Digital Practices. Analysing the Ways Smartphones Constantly Train 'Beneficial‘ Attitudes. Discovering Transformations of Contemporary Modes of Subjectification.
by Burcu Dolanbay, Kelsey Hartman, and Sabina Kulueva
Our investigation is built on the existing research and intends to tackle two essential questions to make an original contribution to the literature and deepen the empirical examination of the Democratic Peace Theory.
This research presents the climate change commitments of pharmaceutical companies, their progress in meeting these commitments, and the strategies they are using to reduce their emissions.